omslag-01Delft University of Technology & Coffee Company
Interaction design, Furniture design, Ergonomics, Qualitative research

Aeropress is a chair that will optimize the posture of people working on their laptops in the Coffee Company. The subtle design and interactions ensure that the threshold is low. Together with the comfort that the aeropress brings, this will ensure that people will use it. Watch the movie to experience Aeropress.

The Aeropress is adjustable for everyone, setting the volume in the air container and setting the height of the aircontainer. Alsof for people who do not want to adjust their posture, the air container can be deflated fully, so that it will give no effect.

At the start of this project the following design goal was formulated: “Design something that encourages people who work on their laptop in a Coffee company to act in a way that leads to a healthier work posture.” In order to represent the intended qualities of the interaction of the final design, an interaction vision is created.
In the first phase of the project the current context was explored, mainly by observation and interview techniques. The main question here was: “What happens and why does it happen?”
In the second phase, different so-called interventions were added to the context to see how people would react. An example is giving people a dice with stretch exercises on it. From this I found they found it far too awkward to do such exercises in public.
In the last phase I tested the concept of a chair with a balloon in the back. This balloon appeared to make people sit up straight. Testing made clear that the pumps should be hidden and how the usecues could best be implemented.
At the end of the process I took the prototype of the concept to the Coffee Company to validate the design. From this insights I formulated recommendations for further design steps.


Master Course: Exploring Interaction
Coaches: Anna Pohlmeyer and Wim Schermer