Delft University of Technology, 2014
Service Design, Social, Customer Journey, Cross Media, Animation making

Nowadays students are expected to know lots of different skills. Not all of these skills are being taught in courses, students have to acquire these skills themselves. At the same moment all students already know skills in their fields of interest. SkillMill provides a studious and interfaculty platform that lowers the threshold for all people involved in the university to ask someone else to teach them a skill. In turn for this the ‘teacher’ will earn points, which they can use for asking someone else for teaching them a skill. All in all, SkillMill links the skills in a knowledge rich environment. Watch the video for the full SkillMill story.

At the start of this project, a gap was noticed in the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. All students were doing different electives and learning different skills. The question was how to make bridges between these students and skills. With this gap being discovered, the idea of the service SkillMill was born.
Next, the different stakeholders were identified. The university seems the most appropriate party to host this platform. Students but also other university involved people, like teachers or other employees are stakeholders in the sense that the can participate in the service.
Third, a corporate style was created to be clear, recognizable and professional.
Now, the different steps that are involved in the service are determined. Image x3 gives an overview of these steps and at the same time shows two short personas of possible future users.
These steps are now linked to different types of media, like a lecture stand that will grab student’s attention for the first time.
Then a flowchart is made to visualize the different steps the SkillMill users will go through.
Last the whole service is presented in a movie, as can be seen above.


By using different media following the specified flow chart the service of SkillMill can be implemented in the Delft University of Technology. In the future SkillMill can also be implemented into other universities as well after adding or adjusting certain skills in the service. A version for high schools, companies or any other organisation can be developed as well, as long as the skills suit the environment of implementation.

Bachelor Course Cross Media Interaction Design
In cooperation with L. Vrooman, D. Stevens en A. van Dijk.